Job Description
Job Description Struthers Parkside Church (Struthers, OH) - Pastor The Big Picture Struthers Parkside Church ( is searching for a full-time Pastor.
Requirements Preface: Struthers Parkside Church has existed as the living body of Christ since A.D. 1805. Through the years this body has grown and evolved through strong leadership based on sound doctrine and an exposition of the Holy Scripture by the Pastor. Historically operating as a Presbyterian church, the church has now been non-denominational since 2011. The continued growth and transition of the Church requires a proactive leadership team (Board and Pastor) ensuring that programs and activities are in proper alignment with its mission and vision, and designed to accomplish the assigned ministry outcomes.
Summary: The lead pastor will model the role of Struthers Parkside Church towards our mission. The lead pastor will be an articulate advocate and communicator for the vision of God's Church, for the Glory of God. This person will be the primary leader, teacher, and visionary and will have a broad responsibility for the spiritual welfare, growth and life of the Church in all areas including discipleship, evangelism, and equipping the congregation for service. The lead pastor is to embody the essence of a shepherd and servant leader.
Qualifications: 1. Exhibit a sincere and mature relationship with Jesus Christ, as evidenced by a deeply committed life of prayer, biblical study, meditation, empowering of the Holy Spirit and dependency on God.
2. Demonstrate the biblical/theological training to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God to the congregation, to better understand God's Word so that they can better serve Him.
3. Possess the spiritual gifts of pastoring/shepherding to create disciples and allow them to experience the presence of God and receive power from Him.
4. At least two years relevant pastoral ministry experience required and hold a bachelor's degree in an applicable field. Previous experience is preferred.
Responsibilities and Duties: Administration: 1) To serve as Moderator of the Board.
2) To supervise the work of the secretary and the Church office.
3) To provide guidance and leadership for the various committees of the Board, as Chairs of Committees request his time and assistance.
4) To oversee the programs of the Church and evaluate their effectiveness.
Communication: 1) To work with Church staff, church officers, Board, and other Church leaders to provide unified, harmonious programs for the Church, and assist in congregational communications through publications (bulletins, newsletters, correspondence, minutes of meetings), emails, texts and through direct contact.
2) To be available as a resource person for various organizations in the Church.
Leadership: 1) To provide for worship and pastoral leadership to enable the congregation to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ.
2) To conduct worship services every Sunday at a time set by the Board. To conduct other Services as dictated by the Board.
3) To work with the Board and/or the appropriate committee to systematically break down opportunities or problems into components by identifying relevant issues, fact finding, and recognizing connections. To formulate possible options, evaluate them and recommend the "best" one for implementation.
Pastoral Care: 1) To perform the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism.
2) To officiate at Infant Dedications, Weddings, and Funerals.
3) To be available in the Church office for at least 15 hours/week minimum at his discretion to meet with members of the Congregation and public. This would be considered weekly "office hours". It is understood that events or situations may dictate otherwise.
4) To provide hospital visitations to members of the Congregation as needed.
5) To provide pastoral counseling as required and be on call for emergencies as needed.
Miscellaneous: 1) Engage in personal and professional growth through continuing education and mentorship.
2) A willingness to live within a ten-mile radius of the Church.
Benefits Our Commitment to the Pastor: On behalf of the congregation, we the Board promise to support and encourage the Lead Pastor in the performance of his duties by agreeing to the following:
1) To work faithfully alongside him as he performs his duties as defined above, guided by the Scriptures, and Struthers Parkside Church practices and procedures.
2) To continue to perform our work through committees, Board meetings, other assignments and to keep him informed.
3) The Board shall establish the Salary and benefits of the Lead Pastor. The Board is willing to negotiate the distribution of the wage package of the Lead Pastor in order to provide him the most advantageous method of using his income, provided it is in compliance with Federal, State, and local tax laws. This amount shall be paid in equal installments on the 15th and the 30th of each month.
4) The Board agrees to provide two weeks of continuing education after the first year, and four weeks of paid vacation on an annual basis, with one week of vacation accrued for each three months of service to the Congregation. Vacation shall only carryover to another year with the approval of the Board.
The Compensation $50-$60,000
The Process Please look over this job description and the church website. Along with your resume please answer these questions:
Why do you believe that you might be a good fit for Parkside?
Describe your experiences in ministry and how you may be qualified to serve as the Pastor of Parkside?
In just a few sentences please give a summary of your theology and how that is in line with the doctrine of Struthers Parkside?
Please send your resume and the answers to these questions to LancasterSearch
Job Tags
Full time, Local area, Sunday,